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One of New York's premier hospitals, renewing our commitment to the people of New York City.

Class Enrollment

Class Registration
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Recertification Course (ACLS)
Date/Time: Mon 4/14/2025 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: MSBI - 6 Silver - Room 46
Class Price: $210.00
Notes: Please complete the ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work at https://elearning.heart.org/course/423. Please complete this before attending the course. Be sure to bring the copy of the results to class. You will not be permitted into the classroom without a copy of it. Please email Vadesha.Persaud@mountsinai.org to make arrangements to pick up your book days before the course. Fee includes class fee and card.

For entrance to the course, please go through the Linsky Building, 330 East 16th Street at 1st Ave. Once on the 2nd floor walk towards the big windows, through the Rotunda. Follow that path to the 3 steps going up on the right-hand side. The classroom is the 2nd door to the left. The course will be in room 2D31.

The Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Provider Course provides the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate and manage the first 10 minutes of an adult ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia (VF/VT) arrest. Providers are expected to learn to manage 10 core ACLS cases: a respiratory emergency, four types of cardiac arrest (simple VF/VT, complex VF/VT, PEA and asystole), four types of prearrest emergencies (bradychardia, stable tachycardia, unstable tachycardia and acute coronary syndromes) and stroke.

Please visit www.heart.org/eccstudent and use password acls15 to complete a self evaluation and obtain reading material before the course.

Please email vadesha.perasud@mountsinai.org to make arrangements to pick up your book days before the course.


All course fees are non refundable.